Professional Web Design...

For Only €497 !

What Do I Get For That?

A Custom Website Professionally Designed For Your Needs That Will Generate More Business For You!

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Professional Web Design

What Exactly Is Included?

Below Are The Main Features Offered:

10 Page Custom Website

You Will Get A Beautifully Designed Custom Built Website That Will Also Work For You.

1 Year Domain Registration

If you're selling a software product, a feature list is important to add. Make it easy to scan, for comparison shoppers.

1 Year Website Hosting

If you aren't selling software, a section like this becomes about benefits more than features.

5 Email Accounts

For information products, use a section like this to advertise each major chapter or section in the product.

1 Logo Designed

If you're selling a service, use this section to talk about all the aspects of your service that are exceptional.

1 Facebook Page Setup

If you're selling to a tech-savvy audience, don't shy away from being technical in your feature descriptions.

250 Custom Business Cards

List what sets you apart from competitors first. List items your visitor already expects last.

More Information

Linking each feature to an article or video with more details is something worth testing.

All vs. Best

Test a longer feature list with everything you can think of against a shorter one with just the highlights.

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